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Curiosity & inquisitiveness is the primeval instinct of human being. We people are always curious and dior sunglasses women fond of finding the hidden. From our enormous curious nature, we do engage ourselves in investigation or?investigative journalism. It is a kind of journalism in which reporters meticulously investigate a topic of interest, often involving crime, political & social?corruption or some other scandals.

Pertaining to this investigative journalism De Burgh (2000) states that:

“An investigative?journalist is a man or woman whose profession it is to discover the truth and to identify lapses from it in whatever media is available. The act of doing this generally is called investigative journalism and is distinct from apparently similar work done by police, lawyers, auditors and regulatory bodies in that it is not limited as to target, not legally founded and closely connected to publicity.”

An investigative journalist has to spend a considerable period researching and preparing a report, sometimes months carrera sunglasses on sale or years, whereas a typical daily or news reporter writes items concerning immediately available news. Newspapers,?wire services & freelance journalists do most investigative journalism. An investigative journalist’s final report may take the form of an expose.

Modern investigative journalism is an designer sunglasses for women utmost systematic, rigorous and demanding field. Today’s journalistic activities, despite its many aberrations, are considered the most effective watchdog and upholder of democratic values. And the powerful instrument to fulfill this obligation is investigative reporting.

