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camisetas retro, Focus today : Vigorous development of vocational education and trends behind the bottleneck
For engineering, water utilities, manufacturing industry, high-brightness projector must be to protect property, but due to technical limitations, a single purchase 20,000 lumen projector cost of most of the 100 million people, which even for industrial users is also very heavy cost burden. Recently, research has concentrated on technology companies NEC with solid strength, superimposed on the solutions highlighted the constant adjustment, optimization, and gradually formed a set of cost-effective, high ease of use of bright intelligent overlay solution, the maximum make the whole enterprise as much as 80% of procurement costs, the cost advantage is so obvious to more and more recognized by companies.

Is well known, due to technical limitations, a single projector brightness enhancement, will be accompanied by a multiple of the cost of the improvement on the geometry. Currently, the major brand in the projector, 20000 lumens or more models are usually more than the price up to one million. It is due to high cost of procurement, NEC projectors superimposed with several ways to achieve high brightness projection solution will emerge. NEC to provide intelligent solutions to achieve superposition of the brightness of 20,000 lumens, based on the enterprise's overall procurement more cost down 70% -80%. A strong cost advantage will allow NP3250 + series camisetas retro as 20,000 lumen projector cost-effective solution for the best in the engineering industry and large meetings are widely used.

So-called cost-effective price and performance naturally contains two meanings, the NEC price far lower than the single high-lumen projector procurement costs, but in performance, NEC's products are even more outstanding. First of all, NECNP3250 + series projectors, NEC has always been adhering to a boutique style, the product of meticulous research, development and production process, thus ensuring their quality. Secondly, NP3250 + series also has a rich picture adjustment features, such as the hardware can be realized without any external power of the geometric correction nueva camiseta del barcelona function, picture in picture, painting paintings parallel projection display and optical engineering projector lens and lens shift replacement function. NEC provides five kinds of lenses to achieve 0.9 m to 78.2 m in the ultra-wide projection range for more flexible installation.

In addition, NEC original intelligent overlay function retro futbol is to overlay performance LCD projector next level. Test showed that the industry can easily put 4 sets of users NP3250 +, within two minutes, with NEC original StackingCorrectionTool software, NEC projector through its regulatory function and a camera, to achieve ultra-high brightness of 20,000 lumens projector, which compared to traditional stack easily 2-3 hours of manual, visual proof, it is definitely a leap. Smart proofreading function fully shown the powerful NEC's product development people-oriented concept.

Highlights from NECNP3250 + series since the advent of intelligent overlay solution, it has been generally recognized by industry users, especially its powerful functionality and high cost have been the project, water utilities, airports, manufacturing, monitoring, etc. a number of areas highly.

